Looks like my 8 year old son Avi is one of the 18 winners of the FPQ's summer long fishing tournament "Le Tournoi de peche". The tournament ran from April to November 2008. The categories for the grand prizes were bass, pike, speckled trout, walleye and biggest fish. Each category had a possibility of 3 winners man, woman and youth. To be eligible, the contestant had to fish in one of Quebec's 350+ outfitters, take a picture with the fish and a second one with the fish next to a measuring tape. The outfitter then had to fill out a form to be sent back to the FQP with the pics.
I was up at Giles Lake (Mijocama outfitter) for the 2008 bass opener in the region on June 23rd. Avi had the luck of the draw to be out with me for the evening bite while my 2 other sons remained on shore. The fishng was somewhat slow that particular day until about 8:00 PM. Just as I was telling him that the big ones where going to start feeding, his bobber went down. He set the hook, I instantly knew that it was one of those largies that keeps me going back there every season. He fought the fish quite well, didn't horse it much, let the rod do the work for him. A few minutes later, we netted a nice 3.75 lb / 18.5 inch bass.
As the region has extremely clean water's, I decided to keep the fish for shore lunch. When I got to shore and was about to fillet the fish at the cleaning station, Jocelyn (the outfitter) told me about the tournament, suggesting I enter Avi before filleting the fish.
Boy am I glad I did. For my efforts, Avi has one a $500 gift certificate at Le Baron, a fly rod from some store named Latulippe and a free 1 week trip for 2 to Le Domaine Shannon in the Laverendrye wildlife reserve including lodging, motorboat, food and bear hunting. I'm no hunter and nor is 8 year old Avi, but they have some nice sized pike up there as well as decent walleyes.
Needless to say, were all thrilled.
Wow! That's an impressive accomplishment.
whooh.... nice to hear
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