Montreal fishing spots

Montreal fishing spots

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Take kids fishing

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Most sport fisherman start fishing while they are still children, the fun and passion stays with them for good. How many of us were always sleeping until the last minute on schooldays, only to be up before sunrise if we knew fishing was the day's plan? Although I'm not quite sure what draws kids (especially boys), to fishing, it is powerful enough to make them go against their natural tendencies, wake up early, survive hours without TV, touch critters, eat whatever food you bring, and use the trees or rocks as bathrooms. Can it be the magic of feeling those first nibbles on that new "scooby doo" rod? Or maybe it's seeing that first panfish trying to get away as they reel them in, highly excited. As they get older, bigger fish become the target, and more patience is acquired with each outing.

Fishing tips: Kids love to catch many fish, regardless of their size, in contrast to adults that are always trying to out do their previous record. I always keep and extra pail for them to keep their catch, even if we plan to release them later, as the younger ones seem fascinated by watching their captured fish swimming around. Use extra small hooks and small bits of worm, to ensure that even the really small ones don't keep eating off their bait, as this will only frustrate children, who will then get bored faster. As the kids grow older, let them bring in the bigger ones you hook, always using patience and instructing them on how to have fish fight the rod and drag system. Bring plenty of junk food, some other toys, maybe even a bathing suit and life jacket if the weather is warm enough, as you can't expect kids to have enough patience to fish an entire day. Take them out as early and as often as possible, the smiles on their faces at the end of the day will be well worth it.

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