Montreal fishing spots

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Showing posts with label Iceout carp in st lawrence river. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iceout carp in st lawrence river. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2007

Early spring time carping on the St Lawrence river

Last day of the first warm front, looks like things are going to cool off a bit. Strong 30 KM winds didn't deter us from heading to the St Lawrence River for some spring time carping. We only had enough time for a half day trip, we decided to make it an afternoon one. I took "Largemouth" Ari along, with the intent of training him to shoot video footage of some decent sized carp. The day started quite slowly, all we caught on the carp bait was a small bullhead catfish. I got my first hookup a bit after 4:00 PM, Ari started shooting footage within the first 30 seconds or so. About 7 minutes later, I landed my first 20 LB carp of 2007. ½ hour later Ari got his first hookup, I volunteered as "camera man" for that one. After a couple minutes, he landed his first carp of the season, another male weighing 12 lbs. That was all for the day.

Check you the videos on Youtube: