Montreal fishing spots

Montreal fishing spots

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Mixed bag fishing St Lawrence River, Levi's first walleyes

Finally got out to do some fishing with Mark again, for the first time in nearly 2 years. Been a long time coming to say the least. As Levi was off Cegep for "study week", he took some time off to tag along,  hoping to catch some big lake sturgeons, and possibly landing his first ever walleyes.

Got out on the water early enough to get on our first spot around 8:00 AM. Couple big worms impaled on an octopus hook, held in place by a few ounce sliding sinker is our usual setup. Didn't take long for Levi to get on the first sturgeon of the day. After a good battle, a nice 50 incher was in the net, Levi's first sturgeon in nearly 5 years to the day.

After I landed a smaller sturgeon, Levi was up for the next one, and again, managed another good fish, this one slightly longer at 52 inches.

And a well timed head shot with it's mouth fully extended.

After landing a couple more smaller sturgeon, the bite died down, with nuisance gobies moving in a pecking the worms of the hooks.

Eventually, we decided to try drop shotting for a mixed bag of smallmouth bass and walleyes. I managed to land a mid size bass on our first spot. After a few drifts, we relocated, and immediately got onto a decent school of walleyes, with a few bass mixed in. Not only did Levi land his first walleye, but he managed to outfish both Mark and I, landing most of the walleyes we caught in a short hour or so before we had to leave, along with a few more bass that came to play.

Though I don't keep fish from the St Lawrence River, Levi wanted to eat them, and get some more fillet practice. I obliged, and 7 lucky walleyes made it home with us.

As usual, Mark's exceptional knowledge of the St Lawrence river and it's multispecies came through for us. Bigtime.

Mark still has some dates left available for sturgeon fishing before the end of the season on October 31st, and then should be guiding for bass, walleye and pike right up until first ice.

Contact Mark about a guided outing by clicking: .

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