Montreal fishing spots

Montreal fishing spots

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fisherman's minyan at Giles lake

For the first time since the earth was created, a minyan was held at Giles lake in the remote Northfield area of Quebec. I've been going there for years, the crowd I've brought along has grown too. Finally on the 23rd of Sivan 5768 (June 26th 2008), we managed a minyan (10 Jewish men over 13 years of age) for Shacharis on the shore in front of my cabin. Unfortunately, we didn't have a Sefer Torah to read from, nevertheless the moment was quite unique and overwhelming. I led the service as there were no other volunteers, we said Kaddish and had a couple "l'chaims" to top it all off once we were done praying. Hope to be able to replicate this feat again next season.

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